We are pleased to invite schools and students to participate in the International Bebras Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking 2024.
Our expected schedule for the Bebras Challenge in Pakistan for 2024 is as follows:
• School registration before September 15 (extended, free of charge) or before October 15 (late registration, 3000 PKR fee)
• Children and student registration (1000 PKR per child) by October 30
• Running the competition during December 3rd-4
• Receiving completed papers by December 5-6.
• Publishing results: December 9-10.
• Sending participation diplomas, awards and other prizes during December 16-20.
For each school/organisation, we invite you to designate a teacher or an employee to be the coordinator of this competition. The main role of the coordinator is to coordinate all aspects of the competition at your school with the National Manager of Illumined Minds. The steps for your school and coordinator registration will be sent by a separate e-mail or by postal mail to the designated coordinator, along with our poster for promoting and showing information about the competition among your pupils and students.
For any enquiries and to receive the necessary information including the registration procedure, please contact Mr. Ammar Ali Yasir, National Manager, by e-mail: ammar@illuminedminds.org.